Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm not perfect

Tuesday,June 16,2009
Rules are you enter the letter into the search box and choose one person to write about ( if the same person comes up twice use next down the list ) Tag each person you mention.

Let's begin..

A. Anastasia Lili
1) Do you love this person? as what??friend??ok lah...haha
2) Is this person your enemy? no lah wkwkwkwk
3) Is this person taller than you? trakir ci sepantaran tp gx tau d skarang

B. Benyamin Christian Jonathan
1) What do you really think of this person? kind..
2) What’s their favourite color? i think green gx tau da...
3) Ever danced with them? gx....

C. Christian Tjahjono
1) Do you like this person? as fren only....
2) Where did you meet this person? @ school..(x lupa)
3) How old is she/he? 17 ya??ato 18??ato 19??lupa..

D. Dessica Belinda
1) How long have you known him/her? gx ampe setaon
2) Biggest regret? gx..
3) Are you related? as fren only..,..hahaha

E. Eleazar Eugene Sameve
1) Have you met their parents? ud...
2) Worst thing about this person? kaya nya gx ad d..(ato i gx tau ya hahaha)
3) Best thing about this person? tau d...

F. Febry Sangian
1) Have you ever dated this person? pertanyaan bodoh...
2) When is the next time you will see him/her? kapan Ms??gx tau d...
3) Do you go to school with them? no...hahaha

G. Grace Eugenia Sameve
1) Are they a good listener? yup....
2) Have you ever lied to this person? gx lah...she's my best fren hahahaha

H. Helga
1) What year are they in?12 hahaha...hopefully
2) Is he/she your best friend?yesssssssssssss
3) Ever done something illegal with this person? mana brani I...hahaha...bsa d tabok ma ortu nya...hahahaha

I. Ivander Thea
1) What is this person’s favourite food? hmmm.....cacing,ulet,kecoa,cicak n dll(haha qdink pan)
2) Where did you meet this person? hmmm...kaya nya pas dia lahir d..hahaha....cousins lol,,
3) Do you trust them? hmm I don't think so...

J. Jeremy Husodho
1) Do they have any siblings? ad engko satu...
2) Do you know their favourite song? lagu nya kangen band tu hahahaha
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you? bunuh diri..hahahaha...anak kcl gt..haha

K. Kevin
1) How old were you when you first met? since I was small..
2) How did you meet? don't ask me...
3) Ever danced with this person? gx..hehe

L. Lauren Joanna
1) What would you do if you had never met this person? sukur d..haha..gx lah qdink joanna
2) Do you like him/her? as fren..hahaha
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? kalo dia mau ok ok aj tuh..

M. Mega Carrera
1) Is this person older than you? yes..
2) Is this person single? tau d..playgirl dia..hahahaha
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week? 0 times..hahahaha

N. Niko Prayogo
1) Is this person attached? tau d..tanya aj sendiri
2) Have you seen this person cry? gx kaya nya..hahahaha
3) Do you know this person’s middle name? mang niko ad middle name ya??

O. Onta(manusia gurun yg paling jelek d skola haha)
1) Are you related? gx..ngapaen related ma binatang wkwkwkwkwk
2) Could you live with this person? noooooo....jijay d....
3) Do you believe this person is gay? kaya nya ci...hahaha

P. Prajna Paramitha
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? da lama bgt..
2) How about a sleepover with them? uda dulu...hahaha
3) Does this person have a job? sd ja lom lulus zzzzzzzz

1) Does this person drink alcohol?
2) Have you seen this person dance?
3) Where do they work?

R. Raissa
1) Have you heard this person sing? pernah d kaya nya...haha
2) Do you think this person will repost this? idk..
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person? none..

S. Shida Suparto
1) Is this person taller than you? don't know...she always use high heels every time we meet..hahahahahaha
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her? hmmm..yesssss
3) Do they live close to you? gx jauuuuuuuuuuuuh bgtttttttttt............

T. Tatiana
1) Would you do anything for him/her?? depends..
2) Have you been to his/her house? no
3) Is this person a dipshit? No...zzzzzzzzz

U. Umbra Widya
1) Is this person in a relationship?don't know..maybe...
2) Do you know where he live?don't know....somewhere in dis earth
3) What colour hair does this person have? meneketehe

V. Velona
1) Do you see this person alot? i think so....
2) When did you meet her/him? trakir nntn pa ya??lupaa.."push" ya??
3) Is this person your friend? my best fren hahahaha

W. William
1) Is this person quiet or loud? setau i quiet
2) Name a friend that both of you are close too? tau d my bro x...
3) What color eyes does this person have? hmmmm....

X. Xiao John 1) Why are you friends with him/her? destiny..hahaha 2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them? no....he is in phillipine... 3) What is one thing you would change about them? dis person 100% need change..hahahaha

Y. Yurika Lestaria(Ceka)
1) Does this person wear make-up? I think so..hahaha kerja mesti pake kan ci??
2) Does this person play any instruments?? meneketehe...
3) What is their favourite sport? tau da...

Z. Zan Jan Coil
1) Does this person have MSN/AIM? kayanya
2) Ever gone shopping with him/her? gx..
3) Does this person have any special skills? tanya aj ma org nya...orgil tu org...

this was

Christabel Winy Kartono's notes @

I'm not perfect in fact I feel that I'm useless or nothing.

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